Social Projects

Pacto Nacional pela Erradicação do Trabalho Escravo, a Frialto apoia e faz parte dessa causa.
Corporate social responsibility is an ethical and transparent management approach that minimizes each company´s negative impacts on the environment and the community.
Frialto is well aware of its mission and encourages its employees to take part in activities that focus on charities or that collaborate with needy families, groups and neighborhoods.
Frialto is well aware of its mission and encourages its employees to take part in activities that focus on charities or that collaborate with needy families, groups and neighborhoods. Each unit supports local entities through donations.
The company also cooperates with Instituto Social Sagrado Coração de Jesus in the campaign entitled “Um Gesto Uma Esperança” (literally, One Gesture One Hope), sending foodstuffs to the needy population of the Congo.
Frialto is also concerned inside its units to helps its employees grow professionally and personally. See more details about the company´s employee support program.
Programs for Education Support:
EJA Program (Educação de Jovens e Adultos—Youth and Adult Education)
Objective: to provide education for Frialto employees who never had the opportunity to complete their education in the conventional manner.
Employees taking part in the program are given every learning support and encouragement to complete their schooling. Some 70% of the Group´s employees have benefited from this program.
Partner: SESI
Literacy Program
Objective: to bring the illiteracy rate among company employees down to zero.
Students on the program receive learning assistance from the entire SESI teaching team and from the company, which provides textbooks and classrooms with suitable desks for the classes.
Partner: SESI -
Undergraduate and Postgraduate Scholarship/MBA Program
Objective: to encourage Frialto management staff to further their studies.
Managers who have been with the company for at least two years have a 50% discount on undergraduate-level courses and 70% discount on postgraduate-level courses. To be a valid part of the program, the courses must lie within the employee´s job description. -
Vocational-technical Training Program
Objective: to build capacity among employees for specific activities within the company, providing certified courses in Industrial Maintenance, Production Management, BMP (Best Manufacturing Processes), Boiler Operator, Forklift Operator, NR10 – Electricians, Financial Management, Leadership, and so on. HR, alongside the leaders of each sector, decide on the training needs.
Partner: SENAI -
Leadership Development Program – LDP
Objective: to stage individual and group meetings to develop the company´s leaders.
Managers, coordinators and supervisors from all our plants take part. These are held every six months, and are supported by psychologists. A specialist also holds monthly meetings with each professional. The program seeks to identify each leader´s skills and work on those that need developing, giving guidance as to how to act in work relations and in the face of internal conflicts.