Animal Welfare

Frialto Group companies have a modern traceability system. They have a computerized operational system that ensures efficiency and rapidity in the execution of procedures.
This is how the process works:
- Traceability is initiated at reception of the cattle with a check of documented information.
- During slaughter, every carcass is numbered and labeled with all the animal´s data (weight, age, sex, eligibility for which market, and so on), which enables the carcass to be followed up throughout the production process.
- After deboning, the cuts are addressed and mapped throughout the freezing and storage processes.
- During loading, each box is optically scanned before release for shipment.
Quality Assurance
A key area for the entire Frialto production process, Quality Assurance has a team of qualified professionals who undergo constant education and who constantly pursue excellence. The team routinely performs audits and monitoring to verify correct execution of all activities from reception of the cattle to shipping the final product, and assures compliance with the quality standards demanded by our customers.
The quality system has documented supports reflecting the company´s policy, organization, activities and strategy. These are the quality programs that guide such activities:
BMP (Best Manufacturing Practices)
A set of standards adopted in order to ensure the health quality and compliance of all products with technical regulations.
SSOP (Sanitary Standard Operating Procedures)
These are standards and procedures that are developed, introduced and monitored to guarantee the sanitary conditions of facilities, equipment and utensils used before, during and after the processing of the meat.
HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points)
A tool identifying and controlling chemical, physical and microbiological hazards that could jeopardize consumers´ health; the approach is applied to every production line.
IM (Industrial Maintenance)
A preventive maintenance program applying to equipment and facilities to avoid downtime caused by equipment malfunctions.
HS (Humane Slaughter)
A set of technical and scientific procedures that guarantee animal welfare from embarkation at the farm up until slaughter at the slaughterhouse.
IA (Internal audits)
The Quality Assurance team carries out periodic audits of processes and procedures to verify the efficacy of controls and identify improvements to standards and procedures currently in force.
IPC (Integrated Pest Control)
A system of preventive and corrective actions to avoid pests causing problems on processing lines or in the plant as a whole.
SRM (Specific Risk Material)
A program introduced to prevent contamination of food-grade product by BSE-risk material (Bovine spongiform encephalopathy).
SOP (Standard Operating Procedures)
Standards for carrying out the company´s operations in all areas where food is handled.
Accreditation of raw materials, inputs and service providers
All the group´s partners are inspected in order to verify their policies and procedures so as to adjust supply within Frialto standards.
Training Program
All employees, supervisors and managers are periodically trained according to an annual schedule in order to enhance their knowledge and improve the performance of each sector of the company.
Vale Grande Indústria e Comércio de Alimentos S.A. undertakes to:
- Guarantee the quality and safety of its products;
- Focus on continuous improvement in all processes;
- Fully comply with quality specifications and legislation;
- Act ethically and responsibly toward its customers;
- Maintain the commitment and involvement of top management;
- Make human, technical and financial capital available;
- Work with a focus on employees´ health and safety;
- Always maintain an environmental awareness and ecological sustainability;
- Meet all global standards of food safety.

Federal Inspection Service
All animal products must be submitted to veterinary inspection carried out by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA)´s Department of Inspection of Animal Products (Departamento de Inspeção de Produtos de Origem Animal—DIPOA).
Frialto Group is aware of its responsibility and therefore all units have a permanent Inspection Service comprising MAPA veterinarians as well as inspectors who are qualified to carry out all inspection routines in the plants.