Who we are

Com 17 anos de tradição, o Grupo Frialto trabalha todos os dias para construir uma empresa referência em crescimento sustentável e que tem como premissa colocar produtos de altíssima qualidade à disposição de seus clientes. Com sede no coração do Brasil, atuante em cinco estados brasileiros e presente também no mercado externo como exportadora, a Frialto orgulha-se em desenvolver os melhores cortes de carne bovina. Nossa capacidade de abate chega a 4.050 animais/dia e dispomos de um rebanho jovem e de alta genética que nos permite produzir mais de 60 tipos de cortes, dos tradicionais aos mais nobres .
Vision: To provide top-quality food to our customers, innovating in sustainable processes.
Mission: To stand out in the meat and by-products market for quality and management, with profit and sustainable development.
See below the main companies in the Frialto Group:
January 1996: Start-up of slaughtering at Sinop-MT (Mato Grosso state). Current capacity is 810 animals/day (3,800 tonnes of finished product/month)....
January 1996: Start-up of slaughtering at Sinop-MT (Mato Grosso state). Current capacity is 810 animals/day (3,800 tonnes of finished product/month).
March 2000 Start-up of second slaughter unit: Matupá-MT. Current capacity is 850 animals/day (4,000 tonnes of finished product/month).
May 2000: Opening of Commercial office in São Paulo-SP.
July 2002: Setting-up of Distribution Center in Jundiaí-SP (São Paulo state).
January 2004: Start-up of third slaughter unit: Nova Canaã do Norte-MT. Current capacity is 650 animals/day (3,000 tonnes of finished product/month).
February 2008: Start-up of fourth slaughter unit: Ji-Paraná-RO (Rondônia state). Current capacity is 1,110 animals/day (5,100 tonnes of finished product/month).
March 2008: Start-up of fifth slaughter unit: Iguatemi-MS (Mato Grosso do Sul state). Current capacity is 650 animals/day (3,000 tonnes of finished product/month).
November 2012: Inauguration of Frialto Butcher´s Shop, attached to the Sinop-MT slaughterhouse.
Trucking company
Founded in 2006, Transportadora Vale Grande runs two different modalities. The Cattle Transport sector has cattle trucks that run between the Sinop-MT...
Trucking company
Founded in 2006, Transportadora Vale Grande runs two different modalities. The Cattle Transport sector has cattle trucks that run between the Sinop-MT, Matupá-MT and Nova Canaã-MT units, taking cattle from ranches to the group´s slaughterhouses. The Meat Transport division carries finished product from the Group´s slaughterhouses to customers.
Our feedlot has functional and practical facilities. Frialto has a specific site where feed is prepared, preserved and stored, and a deposit for machi...
Our feedlot has functional and practical facilities. Frialto has a specific site where feed is prepared, preserved and stored, and a deposit for machinery. Healthy, well-developed animals are kept on the feedlot, with a potential for weight gain. The towns of Sinop-MT and Matupá-MT have feedlots with an annual capacity of 50,000 head.
distribution center
Inaugurated in March 2008, in Jundiaí-SP, this part of the company helps distribute deboned beef for the Frialto, Maxxy and Frialto Grill brands, in ...
distribution center
Inaugurated in March 2008, in Jundiaí-SP, this part of the company helps distribute deboned beef for the Frialto, Maxxy and Frialto Grill brands, in addition to offals and value-added produce for other meat types, such as chicken, pork, jerked beef, fish, luncheon meats, and vegetables.
The Distribution Center serves the entire mid-sized retail chain and the food-service sector and distributes approximately 1,000 tonnes/month. A special cuts room was set up in 2011 to serve the food-service and industrial kitchens markets.
Unit and Divisions
- Filtre:
- Units
- Feedlot